HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 189
Specify a host name of the LDAP server.
External User Group Mapping -
Host Name
ASCII code characters, hyphens (-), and periods (.) can be specified.
If you select Enable in DNS Lookup, this item is disabled.
Specify a port number of the LDAP server.
External User Group Mapping -
Port Number
If you select Enable in DNS Lookup, this item is disabled.
Specify a domain name that the LDAP server manages.
External User Group Mapping -
Domain Name
You can specify ASCII code characters, hyphens (-), and periods (.).
Specify an attribute name to identify a user, such as a user ID.
External User Group Mapping -
User Name Attribute
You can specify ASCII code characters and the following symbols:
! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , -. / : ; < = > ? @[ \ ] ^ _` {| } ~
Hierarchical model
Specify an attribute name where the value that can identify a user is stored.
Flat model
Specify an attribute name for a user entry's RDN.
Specify the number of seconds before connection to the LDAP server times out.
External User Group Mapping -
Specify a retry interval in seconds when the connection to the LDAP server fails.
External User Group Mapping -
Retry Interval
Specify retry times when the connection to the LDAP server fails.
External User Group Mapping -
Number of Retries
Displays the base DN to search for users to authenticate.
External User Group Mapping -
Base DN
Displays the search user's domain name.
External User Group Mapping -
Search User's DN
Search for a user by specifying his password.Search for a user by specifying his
password. Specify the same password that is registered in the LDAP server.
External User Group Mapping -
You can specify ASCII code characters and the following symbols:
! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |
If you specify sAMAccountName in External User Group Mapping - User Name
Attribute, or if you select Enable in External User Group Mapping, this item must be
Re-enter the password of the user group you are searching for to confirm your entry.
External User Group Mapping -
Re-enter Password
You can specify ASCII code characters and the following symbols:
! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |
If you enter any password in External User Group Mapping - Password, you must
specify this item.
Specify whether to use a secondary LDAP server.
Secondary Server
Enable: Uses a secondary LDAP server.
Disable: Does not use a secondary LDAP server.
If you select Enable in DNS Lookup, this item is disabled.
Specify a host name of the secondary LDAP server.
Secondary Server - Host Name
You can specify ASCII code characters, hyphens (-), and periods (.).
If you select Disable in Secondary Server, this item is disabled.
Specify a port number of the secondary LDAP server.
Secondary Server -Port Number
Setup Server for LDAP 189