Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 930
Fabric OS Command Reference
-lun LUN
Displays output for the specified LUN only.
Displays timer information only.
Affects all levels and commands globally. Only one option is supported.
Displays zero-valued statistics. Note that some commands may show
zero-valued information regardless of whether or not this option is specified.
Displays sub-menu for FICON emulation display commands when issued with a
VE_Port number. The syntax for -ficon is as follows:
portshow xtun [slot/]ve_port -ficon [command] [options]
The following optional commands are supported with -ficon; if omitted, the usage
for all parameters is displayed. The xtun -ficon command options include
displays for all types of FICON Emulation.
Displays the command usage. You must specify a VE_Port number to display
the help functions, for example, portshow xtun 7/12 -ficon -help.
Displays global FICON Emulation statistics for the tunnel including FICON
XRC Emulation, FICON Tape Write, FICON Tape Read, FICON Teradata
Write, and FICON Teradata Read statistics.
-fdpb adrs
Displays FICON ports or a specific FICON Device Path Block.
-fchb adrs
Displays FICON logical partitions (LPARs) or a specific FICON Channel
Control Block.
-fcub adrs
Displays FICON images (the same output as with -images) or a specific
FICON Control Unit Block.
Displays FICON images.
-fdcb adrs
Displays FICON devices or specific FICON Device Control Block.
Starts the emulated Tape Read and Write performance monitor or displays
the performance statistics.
when you first issue this command or any other performance monitor
commands after a reboot, the command starts the performance monitor,
takes a snapshot of current statistics, and saves them with a time stamp.
When you issue the command again, it displays the time elapsed between
the two iterations of the command and the average time delta statistics. A
new time stamp and current statistics are saved as a basis for the next
Starts the emulated Teradata performance monitor or displays the
performance statistics.