Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 114

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Fabric OS Command Reference




The following operands are optional:

-interval seconds

Specifies the time window in seconds over which the percentage of seconds
affected by bottleneck conditions is displayed in the output. When a port is
specified with the --show command, the maximum interval is 10800 seconds (3
hours). When a wildcard (*) is specified, the maximum interval is defined such that
the value of -span divided by the value of the interval cannot exceed 30. The
interval value must be greater than 0.The default value is 10 seconds.

-span seconds

Specifies the total duration in seconds covered in the output. When a port is
specified with the --show command, the maximum span is 10800 seconds (3
hours). When a wildcard (*) is specified, the maximum span is defined such that
the value of -span divided by the value of the interval cannot exceed 30. The span
value must be greater than 0. The default value is 10 seconds.

History data are maintained for a maximum of three hours per port, so the span
can be 10800 seconds at most. When the show command is issued for all ports
(*), the maximum duration is defined such that the value of -span divided by the
value of the interval cannot exceed 30.


Refreshes the display to continuously update with fresh data at a certain rate. The
refresh rate is equal to the number of seconds specified in the interval.

-congestion | -latency

Restricts the display to congestion or latency data. If neither is specified, the
command displays combined statistics for both types of bottlenecks.


Displays the details of the Bottleneck Detection configuration for the current
(logical) switch. Refer to the command description section for an explanation of
the displays. If virtual fabrics are enabled, ports not belonging to the current
logical switch are not displayed.


Displays the command usage.


Bottleneck detection examples

To enable bottleneck detection on the switch without alerts (statistics collected with default parameters
are still available for viewing):

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --enable

To enable bottleneck detection on the switch with congestion and latency alerts using default values for
thresholds and time (preferred use case):

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --enable -alert

To enable bottleneck detection on the switch with congestion alerts only:

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --enable -alert=congestion

To enable bottleneck detection on the switch with latency alerts only:

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --enable -alert=latency