Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 62
Fabric OS Command Reference
--wwnmappingdisable "WWN [;WWN2;...]" | --all
Disables one or more device WWN mappings. Use this command if you want to
disable the mapping action temporarily without making permanent changes to the
mappings. The mappings remain disabled until they are re-enabled or deleted.
The --all option disables all currently existing device WWN mappings.
--wwnmappingenable "WWN [;WWN2;...]" | --all
e-enables one or more previously disabled device WWN mappings. The --all
option re-enables all previously disabled device WWN mappings.
Displays all device WWN mappings. For each device WWN, the command
displays the N_Port number to which it is mapped, the secondary (failover)
N_Port, and the port group if applicable. The "Current" field shows the port the
device is currently using. If the device is not logged in, the field displays "none." If
the device is logged in to a port other than the one it is mapped to, the field
displays that port. If the device is mapped to a port group, the field displays the
number of the port within that port group that the device is currently using. If the
device is using a trunk, the field displays which port in that trunk the device is
logged in. The "Enabled" field indicates, whether a mapping has been temporarily
disabled ("no"), or whether it is in enabled state ("yes").
--reliabilitycounterset count
Sets the reliability limit for the preferred N_Port. This parameter controls the
number of ONLINE or OFFLINE State Change Notification (SCN) messages a
port can receive before becoming unreliable. The range is 10 through 100. The
default value is 25.
The port becomes reliable again if it does not receive any SCN messages for a
period of five minutes. Preferred N_Port settings are not enforced on unreliable
N_Ports. When the port becomes reliable again, the behavior is as follows:
If a FAILBACK flag is set, the port will fail back the configured F_Ports.
Configured F_Ports that are offline will come back online.
If LB mode or auto policy is configured, load rebalancing resumes.
Displays the configured reliability limit for N_Ports.
--backupmappingsave N_Port
Saves the configured F_Ports, static F_Ports for the given N_Port, and F_Ports
for which the given N_Port is a preferred one.
--backupmappingdel N_Port
Deletes the backup mappings for the given N_Port, if any.
--backupmappingshow N_Port
Displays the saved mappings for the given N_Port, if any.
To display the current state of the Access Gateway with Failover (FO) and Failback (FB) enabled on
N_Ports 9 and 12:
switch:admin> ag --show
Name : core_ag
NodeName : 10:00:00:05:1e:85:ae:f8
Number of Ports : 40
IP Address(es) :
Firmware Version : v7.1.0ING
N_Ports : 8
F_Ports : 5
Policies enabled : pg