Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

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Fabric OS Command Reference




To configure a range of ports as RSCN-suppressed:

switch:admin> portcfg rscnsupr 2/4-7 --enable


Configure IP interfaces on the Brocade 7800 and Brocade 7840 switches and Brocade FX8-24


portcfg action [slot/] ge_port arguments


Use this command to configure the local IP interfaces and static routes on the Brocade 7800 and
Brocade 7840 switches and Brocade FX8-24 blade.. You must configure the local IP interfaces before
you can create and configure FCIP tunnels. You can also create a VLAN configuration at the IP interface
on the Brocade 7800 and Brocade 7840 switches and Brocade FX8-24 blade.

portcfg ipif - Configure the local IP interfaces.

portcfg iproute - Configure a static route on the IP interface.

portcfg vlantag - Manage the IP interface VLAN configuration for FCIP. This command is suppoted
on Brocade 7800 switch and FX8-24 blade.

portcfg ipsec-policy - Include the IPsec policy. Currently supported on the Brocade 7840 only.


This command has the following operands:


For bladed systems only, specifies the slot number of the port to be configured,
followed by a slash (/).


Specifies the number of the GbE port to be configured. The GbE ports are
numbered ge0 - ge9 on the Brocade FX8-24 blade and ge0 - ge5 on the Brocade
7800 switch.

The two 10GbE ports on the Brocade FX8-24 blade are numbered xge0 and xge1.

The Brocade 7840 switch has two 40GbE ports labeled ge0 and ge1, and 16 1 or
10GbE ports labeled ge2-ge17. For Brocade 7840 switch, specify GbE port
number along with the DP number, for example, portcfg ipif ge0.dp0. The valid
DP numbers are dp0 and dp1.

Use the switchShow command for a list of valid ports.


Defines the IP interface for both ports of a tunnel.

On the Brocade 7800 and FX8-24, up to eight IP interfaces per GbE port are
supported, but only 4 FCIP circuits can be configured on a single GbE port. Up to
10 IP interfaces and 10 FCIP circuits are supported on the 10GbE port. In Fabric
OS v7.0.0 and later, these circuits are not limited to a single 10GbE port. Rather,
they can be distributed across both 10GbE ports.

The IP network connection is configured by defining IP interfaces for origin and
destination virtual ports, and then defining one or more IP routes to connect them.
The syntax for portCfg ipif is as follows:

portcfg ipif [slot/]ge_port option args [optional_args]

Valid options and arguments for ipif include the following:

create src_ipaddr netmask [mask] mtu_size vlan [vlan_id]

Creates IP interfaces. Specify the following:


Specifies source IP address in either IPv6 or IPv4 format: