Secauthsecret – Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

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Fabric OS Command Reference





Manages the DH-CHAP shared secret key information.


secauthsecret --show

secauthsecret --set

secauthsecret --remove value | --all


Use this command to manage the DH-CHAP shared secret key database used for authentication. This
command displays, sets, and removes shared secret key information from the database or deletes the
entire database. If you are performing set or remove operations, when the command is completed new
data is saved persistently. New data is effective with the next authentication request. The configuration
applies to a switch instance only.

Port level authentication security must be enabled before encryption configuration can be enabled.
Pre-shared secret keys should be configured on both ends of the ISL to perform authentication. For
encrypted ports, an authentication key of 32 characters is recommended. Spaces are not allowed.


The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may be in
place. Refer to Chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS Commands" and Appendix A, "Command Availability" for


This command has the following operands:


Lists the WWNs for which a shared secret is configured. In Access Gateway
mode, since you cannot configure using domain ID or switchname, these fields
will be displayed as -1 and Unknown respectively.


Sets shared secrets. You can set shared secrets for F_Port, N_Port in Access
Gateway mode and E, EX_Port and F_Port on Fabric OS. This command is
interactive. In Access Gateway mode, you can specify only a WWN. In Fabric OS,
you can specify a WWN or switchname or domain ID. Spaces are not allowed.

--remove [wwn | domain | swname]

Removes the specified WWN entry from the database. If a domain name is
specified, it is converted to a WWN and then the entry is removed. If no option is
specified, the command is interactive. In Access Gateway mode, you can specify
only a WWN. In Fabric OS, you can specify a WWN or switchname or domain ID.

--remove --all

Deletes the entire secret key database.


To list the shared secret WWN:

switch:admin> secauthsecret --show

WWN DId Name


10:00:00:60:69:80:5b:e8 1 switch