Licenseadd – Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 575
Fabric OS Command Reference
Adds a license key to a switch.
licenseadd license
Use this command to add a license key to a switch.
Some features of the switch and the fabric to which it is connected are optional, licensed products.
Without a valid license installed for such products, their services are not available.
A license key is a string of any length consisting of upper- and lowercase letters and numbers. License
keys are case-sensitive. The license must be entered exactly as issued. The system may accept an
incorrectly entered license, but the licensed products will not function. After entering the license, use the
licenseShow command to validate the product associated with the license. If no licensed products are
shown, the license is invalid.
After you enter a license, the licensed product is generally available immediately without requiring further
action. The following exceptions apply:
Some licenses may require you to refresh the ports before to activate the license. Depending on
your system, use the portDisable/portEnable, switchDisable/switchEnable or
chassisDisable/chassisEnable commands to refresh the ports.
Some licenses may require that you reboot the switch to activate the license. The licenseAdd
command will prompt you to reboot the switch.
The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may be in
place. Refer to Chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS Commands" and Appendix A, "Command Availability" for
This command has the following operand:
Specifies the license key to be installed. This operand is required.
To add a license key to the switch:
switch:admin> licenseadd DXXtN3LmRSMWCSW3XmfSBPfrWKLZ3HMTN73rP9GANJMA
adding license-key [DXXtN3LmRSMWCSW3XmfSBPfrWKLZ3HMTN73rP9GANJMA]