Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

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Fabric OS Command Reference





cryptocfg --initnode

cryptocfg --initEE [slot]

cryptocfg --regEE [slot]

cryptocfg --enableEE [slot]

cryptocfg --disableEE [slot]

cryptocfg --export -scp -dhchallenge vault_IP_address |
-currentMK | -KACcert | -KACcsr | -CPcert
host_IP host_username host_file_path

cryptocfg --export -usb -dhchallenge vault_IP_address |
-currentMK | -KACcert | -KACcsr | -CPcert dest_filename

cryptocfg --import -scp local_name host_IP host_username

cryptocfg --import -usb dest_filename source_filename

cryptocfg --reg -membernode member_node_WWN
member_node_certfile Member_node_IP_addr

cryptocfg --dereg -membernode member_node_WWN

cryptocfg --dhchallenge vault_IP_addr

cryptocfg --dhresponse vault_IP_addr

cryptocfg --zeroizeEE [slot]

cryptocfg --delete -file local_name

cryptocfg --reg -KAClogin primary | secondary

cryptocfg --show -file -all

cryptocfg --show -localEE

cryptocfg --rebalance [slot]

cryptocfg --kvdiag [-enable | -disable | -show]
[-interval interval] [-type type]


Use the node configuration commands to perform node initialization and configuration tasks. Node
initialization and configuration must be performed on every node. A node is an encryption switch or a
chassis containing one or more encryption blades. A node is identified by the switch IP address or switch
WWN, which is subsequently referred to as the "node WWN." The node configuration commands include
the following functions:

Node initialization and certificate generation.

Certificate export and import to and from a specified host or USB device.

Enabling or disabling an encryption engine (EE).

Encryption group member node and group leader registration.