Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 396
Fabric OS Command Reference
--localreject policy_list
Configures the switch to reject distributions of the specified policies in policy_list.
However, a database cannot be rejected if it is specified in the fabric-wide
consistency policy. The policies in policy_list must be separated by semicolons
and enclosed in quotation marks; for example, "SCC;DCC".
--fabwideset policy_list
Sets the fabric-wide consistency policy. A database that is set to reject
distributions cannot be specified in the fabric-wide consistency policy. To set the
fabric-wide consistency policy as strict, use the strictness indicator "S". To set the
fabric-wide consistency policy as tolerant, omit the "S". A valid policy set should
be of the form "SCC:S;DCC;FCS". To set the fabric-wide policy to NULL (default)
or no fabric-wide consistency, use the policy Set "". Supported policies are Switch
Connection Control (SCC), Device Connection Control (DCC), and Fabric
Configuration Server (FCS). All members specified in a given policy set are
automatically distributed to all participating switches in the fabric that support the
policy. Refer to the DESCRIPTION section for specific exceptions. In the
presence of a fabric-wide FCS consistency policy, this command can only be run
from the primary FCS switch.
To display the fabric-wide consistency policy and the accept/reject configuration for all databases:
switch:admin> fddcfg --showall
Local Switch Configuration for all Databases:-
DATABASE - Accept/Reject
SCC - accept
DCC - accept
PWD - accept
FCS - accept
AUTH - accept
IPFILTER - accept
Fabric Wide Consistency Policy:- "SCC:S;DCC;FCS"
To configure the switch to accept distribution of the SCC policy set and PWD database:
switch:admin> fddcfg --localaccept "SCC;PWD"
Local Switch Configured to accept policies.
To configure this switch to reject distribution of SCC and DCC policy sets:
switch:admin> fddcfg --localreject "SCC;DCC"
Local Switch Configured to reject policies.
To set the fabric-wide consistency policy to "strict" for SCC and "tolerant" for DCC and FCS:
switch:admin> fddcfg --fabwideset "SCC:S;DCC;FCS"