Portcmd – Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

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Fabric OS Command Reference





Diagnoses intelligent ports.


portcmd --ping [slot/][slot/]ge port
-s src_ip -d dst_ip [-x | -crossport]
[-n num_requests][-q service_type] [-t ttl][-w wait_time]
[-z size][-v vlan_id [-c L2 Class-of-Service]]

portcmd --traceroute [slot/][slot/]ge port
-s src_ip -d dst_ip [-x | -crossport]
[-h max_hops][-f first_ttl][-q type_of_service][-w timeout]
[-z size] [-v vlan_id [-c L2 Class-of-Service]]

portcmd --tperf [slot/]veport -sink | -source
[-high | -medium | -low][-time duration] [-unidirectional]
[-random] [-pattern pattern] [-size pdu_size]
[-interval interval]

portcmd --pmtu [slot/] ge port -s src_ip -d dst_ip
-q DSCP -c L2 Class-of-Service -v -y

portcmd --wtool wt-id | all action port arguments


Use this command to ping or trace a route to a destination IP host from an intelligent GbE port, or to
determine the path characteristics between a local data source and a remote data sink.

When issued with the --tperf option, this command determines the path characteristics to a remote host
or tunnel destination. TPerf generates statistics every 30 seconds by default unless you specify a
different value for -interval. The output displays the following information:

Tunnel ID

Numeric identifier for the TPerf tunnel.

Traffic Priority

High, Medium, or Low.

bytes tx

Number of bytes transmitted.

bytes rx

Number of bytes received.

PDUs tx

Number of protocol data units transmitted.

PDUs rx

Number of protocol data units received.

bad CRC headers rx

Number of bad CRC headers received.

bad CRC payloads rx

Number of bad CRC payloads received.

out of seq PDUs rx

Number of out-of-sequence PDUs received.

flow control count

Flow control count.