Portcfgfillword – Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

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Fabric OS Command Reference





Configures the fill word for a single 8G FC port.


portcfgfillword [slot/]port, mode [passive]

portcfgfillword --help


Use this command to configure the fill word of an 8G FC port. By default, this command disables and
re-enables the port and the port comes online with the new fill word setting. When passive option 1 is
used after the mode, the new settings are not applied until the next time the port goes offline and comes
back online. When passive option 0 is used after the mode, the new settings are applied immediately.
The configuration is stored in nonvolatile memory and is persistent across switch reboots or power


This command applicable only to 8G FC ports; it is not supported on Condor 3-based platforms.

This configuration cannot be set on VE_Ports or VEX_Ports.

Use the portCfgShow command to display user-configured fill word settings.

The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may be in
place. Refer to Chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS Commands" and Appendix A, "Command Availability" for


This command has the following operands:


For bladed systems only, specifies the slot number of the port to be configured,
followed by a slash (/).


Specifies the number of the port to be configured, relative to its slot for bladed
systems. Use switchShow for a listing of valid ports.


Specifies the fill word for the port number. This operand is required. Valid values
are one of the following:

0 | -idle-idle

Sets IDLE mode in the Link Init and IDLE as the fill word (default).

1 | -arbff-arbff

Sets ARB(ff) in the Link Init and ARB(ff) as the fill word.

2 | -idlef-arbff

Sets IDLE mode in the Link Init and ARB(ff) as the fill word.

3 | -aa-then-ia

Attempts hardware arbff-arbff (mode 1) first. If the attempt fails to go into
active state, this command executes software idle-arb (mode 2). Mode 3 is
the preferable to modes 1 and 2 as it captures more cases.


Specifies the fill word configuration changes to take effect immediately or next port
toggle. This operand is optional. Valid values are one of the following:


Specify 0 for the new settings to take effect immediately.