Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 405
Fabric OS Command Reference
Alternate control prohibited
Host control prohibited
Sets the missing interrupt handler primary timeout (MIHPTO) value for the CUP.
The following operand is required:
Specifies the timeout value in seconds. Provide a decimal value in the range
between 15 and 600 seconds. The default timeout value is 180 seconds. If a value
greater than 63 seconds is specified, the timeout value is rounded down to the
closest value divisible by 10. For example, an MIHPTO timeout value of 86
defaults to 80.
Sets the current reporting path (CRP). The reporting path is a CUP mechanism for
sending FRU-failure reports to a FICON logical path via FICON protocol. The
logical path between the PID and the CHID must exist and be in operational state
for this command to succeed. Use ficonCupShow with the LP option to display the
logical paths on the switch. The following operands are required:
Specifies the Port identifier, which is a three-byte Fibre Channel Port Address.
Specifies the Channel ID (CHID). The CHID is the Logical Partition (LPAR)
identifier supplied as part of the FICON protocol header. The CHID is a 1-byte
value in hexdecimal format. The first nibble indicating the Channel Subsystem
identifier (a value between 0 and 3) and the second the LPAR within that CSS (a
value between 0 and F).
To enable FMS mode for the switch:
switch:admin> ficoncupset fmsmode enable
fmsmode for the switch is now Enabled
To set the ASM bit in the mode register for the switch:
switch:admin> ficoncupset modereg ASM 1
Active=Saved Mode bit is set to 1
To set the MIHPTO value to 60 seconds:
switch:admin> ficoncupset MIHPTO 60
MIHPTO has been changed to 60 seconds
To set the current reporting path:
switch:admin> ficoncupset CRP 082300 1A
To display the current reporting path:
switch:admin> ficoncupshow LP
FICON CUP Logical Paths for CUP 0x08FE00
LP Reporting
PID CHID State Path
------ ---- ---- ------
082300 1A Oper*** Curr
082300 1B Oper