Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 457
Fabric OS Command Reference
-port port_list
Specifies one or more ports on which to install the monitor for the specified frame
type. This operand is optional; if omitted, the monitor is installed on all eligible
ports. A port list can consist of the following:
One or more single ports, preceded by a slot number followed by a slash (/)
on bladed systems. Multiple ports must be separated by a comma, for
example, 8 or 5/8 or 3,5,8.
One or more port ranges where the beginning and end port are separated by
a dash, for example, 8-13 or 5/8-13, or 3/4-9. A port range cannot span
multiple slots.
-highth value
Sets the high threshold value for the specified frame monitor. This operand is
optional. High threshold values and defaults are platform-specific. Refer to the
Fabric Watch Administrator's Guide for more information.
-timebase time_base
Specifies the time interval between two samples to be compared. Valid intervals
include the following:
Samples are compared once a day.
Samples are compared once every hour.
Samples are compared once every minute.
-action value
Specifies the action triggered if the frame count for the specified frame type
exceeds the configured high threshold. Valid actions include snmp, raslog, email
or none. This operand is optional; if omitted, defaults are used (snmp, raslog).
Note that fmMonitor only supports specification of high thresholds and the
actions taken when the frame count exceeds the configured high threshold. Use
the thConfig command with the filter class operand to configure and display other
Fabric Watch thresholds, and the actions to be taken when the counters fall below
or in-between configured Fabric Watch thresholds.
Overrides the default behavior, which automatically saves the frame monitor and
port configuration persistently when you create, modify, or delete a monitor. When
you specify -nosave, the port configuration is not saved and will be erased upon
reboot. However, the frame monitor configuration (type, bit pattern, thresholds
etc.) will still be saved persistently. This operand is valid only with the --create,
--addmonitor, and --delmonitor options. The CFG column in the show command
display indicates "not saved" when -nosave is specified; otherwise it indicates
--save frame_type
Saves the set of ports on which the specified frame type is monitored to the
persistent configuration. If a frame type is not specified, this command saves the
port configurations of all existing frame types. This operation removes the
configuration for ports not monitored.
--addmonitor frame_type -port port_list
Installs an existing frame monitor on the specified ports.
--delmonitor frame_type -port port_list
Removes an existing frame monitor from the specified ports.