Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 585
Fabric OS Command Reference
Specifies the slot number for the Brocade FX8-24 extension blade. This number
corresponds to the physical blade slot number on the chassis (1-4, 9-12 on the
Brocade DCX; 1-2, 7-8 on the Brocade DCX-4S).
Adds a slot-based license to the specified slot.
Removes a slot-based license from the specified slot. This operation frees up the
license to be assigned to another slot. You must disable the applications that use
the license on this slot before you can deactivate the license.
Displays slot assignments for all slot-based licenses in the chassis.
Displays the command usage.
To configure the blade slots 3, 4, 11, and 12 to enable the license on these slots:
switch:admin> licenseslotcfg --add FTR_AE 3
Blade slot-3 added to FTR_AE slot-based license configuration
Remaining capacity for FTR_AE slot-based license = 7
switch:admin licenseslotcfg --add FTR_AE 4
Blade slot-4 added to FTR_AE slot-based license configuration
Remaining capacity for FTR_AE slot-based license = 6
switch:admin> licenseslotcfg --add FTR_AE 11
Blade slot-11 added to FTR_AE slot-based license configuration
Remaining capacity for FTR_AE slot-based license = 5
switch:admin> licenseslotcfg --add FTR_AE 12
Blade slot-12 added to FTR_AE slot-based license configuration
Remaining capacity for FTR_AE slot-based license = 4
To display the enabled licenses:
switch:admin> licenseslotcfg --show
FTR_10G license - blade slots configured = 1,3,5,12
FTR_AE license - blade slots configured = 3,4,11,12
FTR_AFA license - blade slots configured = 3,4
To deactivate the Advanced Extension license on slots 3 and 12, and to display the: results:
switch:admin> licenseslotcfg --remove FTR_AE 3
Blade slot-3 removed from FTR_AE slot-based
license configuration
switch:admin> licenseslotcfg --show
FTR_10G license - blade slots configured = 1,3,5,12
FTR_AE license - blade slots configured = 12
FTR_AFA license - blade slots configured = 3,4
switch:admin> licenseslotcfg --remove FTR_AE 12
Blade slot-12 removed from FTR_AE slot-based license configuration
switch:admin> licenseslotcfg --show
FTR_10G license - blade slots configured = 1,3,5,12
FTR_AFA license - blade slots configured = 3,4