Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

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Fabric OS Command Reference





To disable the ADS policy:

switch:admin> ag --policydisable ads

To enable the WWN load balancing policy:

switch:admin> ag --policyenable wwnloadbalance

To disable the WWN load balancing policy:

switch:admin> ag --policydisable wwnloadbalance

AG port mapping commands

To display current port mappings and port grouping policies:

switch:admin> ag --mapshow

N_Port Configured Static Current Failover Failback PG_ID PG_Name

_F_Ports _F_Ports _F_Ports


0 4;5;6 None 4;5;6 1 0 2 SecondFabric

1 7;8;9 None 7;8;9 0 1 0 pg0

2 10;11 None 10;11 1 0 2 SecondFabric

3 12;13 None 12;13 0 1 0 pg0


Explanation of fields in --mapshow output:

Static F_Ports are part of static F_Port to N_Port mapping.

Current F_Ports are the F_Ports that are currently online and mapped to a given N_Port either
because they are mapped to that N_Port or as a result of N_Port failover.

Configured F_Ports are the F_Ports that are explicitly mapped to this N_Port (saved in config).

Failover and Failback indicate whether or not N_Port policy is enabled (1) or disabled (0).

PG_ID is the Port Group ID and PG_Name is the Port Group Name.

To clear all F_Ports mapped to the configured primary N_Port 0:

switch:admin> ag --mapset 0 ""

F_Port to N_Port mapping has been updated successfully

To add F_Ports 4 and 6 to N_Port 0 (observe that Port 0 has no configured F_Ports):

switch:admin> ag --mapset 0 "4;6"

F_Port to N_Port mapping has been updated successfully

To add F_Port 5 to N_Port 2 (observe that N_Port 2 already has mapped F_Ports):

switch:admin> ag --mapadd 2 "5"

To display the new mappings:

switch:admin> ag --mapshow

N_Port Configured Static Current Failover Failback PG_ID PG_Name

_F_Ports _F_Ports F_Ports
