Advanced features, Boost heat and boost cool, Compressor control – Watlow Series F4S/D User Manual

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F e a t u r e s

Wa t l o w S e r i e s F 4 S / D

Advanced Features

Boost Heat and Boost Cool

The boost heat feature uses a digital output to turn

on an additional heater to speed up the heating. As

the process temperature approaches the set point,

the boost heat output switches off so that the pro-

cess temperature doesn’t overshoot the set point.
Boost cool uses a digital output to speed up the

cooling process, typically by activating a solenoid

valve that releases liquid nitrogen.
For either boost heat or boost cool, set Boost % Pow-

er to define the power level that must be exceeded

before the boost output is activated. Use a positive

value for heating, a negative value for cooling.
To prevent the output from cycling and to extend

hardware life, define Boost Time Delay in seconds

to set the minimum period of time that the output

will remain off after an on cycle.
The Series F4 uses digital output 6 for boost heat

and digital output 7 for boost cool. Hysteresis for

boost heat and cool is fixed at 5%.
Location in software: Setup > Digital Output x (6 or 7).

Figure 6.10a — Boost Heat and Boost Cool.

Boost Cool

Boost Percent
Power = 85%






Boost Delay Time = 30 Seconds

Time In Seconds


% Power

Boost Heat

Boost Percent
Power = 85%

Boost On Delay
= 30 Seconds






Time In Seconds


% Power

Compressor Control

The compressor control can save wear on a com-

pressor and prevent it from locking up from short

cycling. A bypass valve operated by a control output

regulates how the process is cooled, while a digital

output switches the compressor on and off.
The Series F4 uses digital output 8 for compressor

control. Compressor On % Power sets the power

level that will switch the compressor on. Compres-

sor Off % Power sets the power level that will

switch the compressor off.
The compressor will not turn on until the output

power exceeds the Compressor On % Power for a

time longer than the Compressor On Delay. The

compressor will not turn off until the output power

exceeds the Compressor Off % Power for a time

longer than the Compressor Off Delay.
Location in software: Setup Page > Digital Output 8.

Figure 6.10b — Compressor Power.

0% Compressor
On Power






Compressor On Delay = 45 Seconds

Compressor Off Delay = 20 Seconds

2% Compressor
Off Power

Time In Seconds

% Power


