Get information from the ˆ key, Choose the end-state, Save your settings – Watlow Series F4S/D User Manual

Page 37

background image

• how much time it will take to reach set


• what the set point is;
• which PID set to activate; and
• whether you want a guaranteed soak.

Continue defining step types until your pro-
file is complete. The last step must be an End

6. Choose the end-state.

All profiles end with an End step, which is pre-

programmed into the new profile. Choose:

• Hold set point and event outputs;
• Control off, set point off, event output sta-

tus maintained;

• All Off (control outputs and event outputs)


• Idle, with each channel at user-specified set

points. Event output status maintained.

7. Save your settings.

When exiting the Profiles Page, choose whether

to save profile data > or restore values < .

The final step of every profile is End. You cannot delete an

End step or change it to another type, but you can insert

new steps before it


Save profile data

or restore values?

Restore Save

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Enter Ramp Time:____

00:00:01 (H:M:S)
▼ ▲ Adjusts Digit
< > Save Changes

Wa t l o w S e r i e s F 4 S / D

P r o f i l e P r o g r a m m i n g

4 . 5

Get Information from the

ˆ Key

If you do not know a term, press the ˆ Key

when the cursor points to the word in the dis-

play text. Or check the glossary in the Ap-

pendix of this user manual.

i Ramp Time: A step
type that changes
the set point to a

new value in a

user-chosen period
of time.