Profile control – Watlow Series F4S/D User Manual
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O p e r a t i o n s
Wa t l o w S e r i e s F 4 S / D
Check the configuration of the controller on the Setup
Page before starting and running a profile (if the Setup
Page is not locked). Make sure the settings are appropri-
ate to the profile: input sensor ranges and limits, digital
inputs and outputs as events, guaranteed soak band, re-
sponse to power out and Celsius or Fahrenheit scales. If
the Setup Page is accessible, failure to check the configu-
ration before running a profile could result in damage to
equipment and/or property, and/or injury or death to per-
Profile Control
The main purpose of the Series F4 is to control pro-
files for ramp-and-soak-processing applications.
The instructions below explain how to use an exist-
ing profile. To program a profile, see Chapter 4,
Profile Programming.
Start a Profile?
▼ No
▲ Yes ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
To Start/Run a Profile
To initiate the profile mode, press the Profile Key
and answer the questions that follow.
While running a profile, the Profile Status message
on the lower display will keep you informed about
the progress of the profile. For example, it could
read like the screen at right:
As a protective measure, all stored profiles will be cleared
if you enter the Setup Page and change values in the
Analog Input 1, 2, 3 menus —specifically, the Sensor,
Sensor Type, Decimal, Scale (for process inputs), and Set
Point High and Low Limits. Pop-up messages will warn
that the profiles will be erased from the controller’s mem-
You must configure the software for your inputs and out-
puts before programming a profile. See the Setup Chap-
You must program a profile or use the pre-programmed
MILSTD810D profile before running it. See the Profile
Programming Chapter.
While a profile is running, the controller will not recog-
nize digital inputs that are programmed to start a profile.
Such digital inputs will be recognized only while the con-
troller is in the static set point mode.
While a profile is running, profiles can be either created
or renamed only while a profile is running. All other
pages and menus can be entered only during Static Set
Point Control mode.
Glaze 8 Running.
Step 2
Remain 00:10:30
Step 1 Autostart
>Step 2 Ramp Time
Step 3 Ramp Time
Start Profile:_______
>Glaze 8