Index – Watlow Series F4S/D User Manual

Page 142

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A . 8

A p p e n d i x

Wa t l o w S e r i e s F 4 S / D


°F or °C 5.7


A to D 10.3
accuracy A.6
Action, End 4.15
active output indicator lights 2.2
add step 4.6
Address 5.14, 7.16
agency approvals A.6
Alarm 1 High Deviation 3.14
Alarm 1 High SP 3.14
Alarm 1 Low Deviation 3.14
Alarm 1 Low SP 3.14
Alarm 2 High Deviation 3.14
Alarm 2 High SP 3.14
Alarm 2 Low Deviation 3.14
Alarm 2 Low SP 3.14
alarm band example 5.5
alarm clearing 3.4
Alarm High Set Point 3.4
Alarm Hysteresis 5.12, 6.8
Alarm Latching 5.12, 6.9
Alarm Logic 5.12
Alarm Low Set Point 3.4
alarm messages 3.8
Alarm Messages 5.12
Alarm Name 5.12
alarm output indicator lights 2.2
Alarm Output x Menu 5.12
Alarm Set Point Menu 3.14
alarm set points 3.4, 3.14, 6.8, 8.3
Alarm Sides 5.12, 6.9, 7.2
Alarm Silencing 5.12, 6.9
Alarm Source 5.12
alarm status, indicator lights 2.2
Alarm Type 5.12

deviation 3.4, 6.8
features 6.8–6.9
operation 3.4
process 3.4, 6.8
self-clearing 6.9
troubleshooting 3.8

Altitude 5.9
Alternating Display 5.15
ambient temperature A.6
Analog Input x

A To D, Diagnostics 10.3
Calibration Offset 5.10

Decimal 5.9, 7.2
Deviation Cascade High Range


Deviation Cascade Low Range 5.10
Error Latch 5.10
Filter Time 5.10
Open Loop 5.7
Process Cascade High Range 5.10
Process Cascade Low Range 5.10
Sensor 5.8
Type 5.8
Units 5.9
Wait for 4.14

Analog Input x Menu 5.8
Analog Range, Retransmit Output


Automatic Operation 3.1
automatic tuning 3.5, 3.6
Autostart Menu 4.2, 4.12

Date 4.12
Day 4.12
Time 4.12

Autostart Profile Date Or Day 4.12
autostart step application 7.19
Autotune, selecting set points 3.4
Autotune PID Cascade Menu 3.11
Autotune PID Menu 3.4–3.5, 3.11
autotuning 3.4–3.5, 6.7

cascade 3.6
lockout 8.3
operation 3.4, 3.11, 6.7
PID Autotune 3.4, 3.11, 6.7

Autotuning Channel x 2.8, 3.4, 5.7


B&B Converter 12.11
Battery A.2
Baud Rate 5.14, 7.16
Boost Cool, Digital Output Function


Boost Heat, Digital Output Function


Boost Percent Power 5.13, 6.10
Boost Time Delay 5.13, 6.10
burst fire 6.6

heater life 6.6
noise generation (RFI) 6.6
sine wave 6.6


Calibration, overview 9.1

inputs 9.2–9.4
outputs 9.4–9.6

Calibration Offset 5.10, 6.2
Cascade 6.11, 7.3

Analog Input 3 5.10
Autotuning 3.6
cascade system 3.6, 6.1
cascade system, tuning 3.6
control, selecting 3.6
inner loop 3.6, 6.1
internal set point 6.11
long lag times 6.11
outer loop 3.6, 6.11
overshoot 3.6, 6.11
parameters 3.13–3.14
PID 6.11
setup 3.6

Cascade High Range

Deviation 5.10
Process 5.10

Cascade Inner Loop 3.11
Cascade Low Range

Deviation 5.10
Process 5.10

Cascade Outer Loop 3.11
CE Declaration of Conformity A.5
Ch2 Output Disable? 5.9
changing and setting password 8.2
Channel 1, PID Set 4.15
Channel 2, PID Set 4.15
Channel x Autotune 3.11
Channel x Autotune Set Point 5.7

Custom Main Page 5.3
Operations Page Record 3.15
Setup Page Record 5.16
User Profile Record 4.7

Choose Cycle Time, Control Output x


Choose Scaling 5.9
CJCx A to D, Diagnostics 10.3
CJCx Temp, Diagnostics 10.3
clear alarm, key press simulation

3.4, 7.3

clear error, key press simulation 3.4,


Clear Locks, Set Lockout 8.3
closed-loop configuration 3.1
closed-loop control, see automatic


CMC converter 12.11
communications 5.14, 7.1, 7.16
communications indicator light 2.2
Communications Menu 5.14, 7.16
communications wiring