Watlow Series F4S/D User Manual

Page 143

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Wa t l o w S e r i e s F 4 S / D

A p p e n d i x

A . 9

B&B converter 12.11
CMC converter 12.11
EIA-232 to EIA-485 conversion


EIA/TIA 485 12.10
EIA/TIA 232 12.10
termination for EIA-232 to EIA-485

converter 12.10

Complementary Output, Digital Out-

put 5, Function 5.13

Compressor Control 6.10
Compressor Off % Power 5.14, 6.10
Compressor Off Delay 5.14, 6.10
Compressor On % Power 5.14, 6.10
Compressor On Delay 5.14, 6.10
Condition, Digital Input x 5.11
conformity A.5
continue profile 3.3
Control Output Function 5.10, 12.7
Control Output x Menu 3.5, 5.11
controller, overview 1.1
cooling compressor 6.10
creating a profile application 7.18
Current Date 5.7
Current Process Input, Calibration


Current Time 5.7
cursor 2.2
Custom Main Page Menu 5.15
Custom Main Page Record 5.3
Custom Message 1 to 4 7.3
customizing the Main Page 5.2
Cycle Time 5.11
cycle time adjustment 3.5


Dead Band 3.5, 3.12, 3.13, 6.5

Cascade Inner Loop 3.12
Cascade Outer Loop 3.13
integral action 6.5
PID set 3.13, 6.4–6.5
PID Set 1 to 5 3.12
PID Set 6 to 10 3.13
proportional action 6.5

Decimal 5.9
Declaration of Conformity A.5
default Main Page parameters 2.3,


Delete Profile 4.6
Delete Step 4.6
Derivative 3.11, 3.12, 3.13
derivative rate adjustment 3.5

deviation alarm 3.4

overview 10.1
menu map 10.1

Digital Inputs x 5.10–5.11, 6.3

Condition 2.3, 2.8, 5.10, 5.11
Function 5.11
Name 5.10
number of 1.1
see, event input
specifications A.6
status 2.3, 2.8
wiring 12.6

Digital Outputs x

condition 2.3, 2.8
Function 5.13
Name 5.13
number of 1.1
see, event output
specifications A.6
wiring 12.9

dimensions 11.1–11.2
Display Test 10.4
displays 2.2–2.4

cursor 2.2
front panel 2.2
Lower Display 2.2
scroll bar 2.2
Upper Display 2.2

displays, overview 2.1
dry bulb 5.8
dual channel 1.1
dwell — see soak, soak step


edit PID 3.4, 3.11
Edit PID Menu 2.5, 3.4–3.5,


edit profile 4.6
End step 4.3, 4.15

action, end step 4.6
Idle Set Point, Channel x 4.16

Enter Cycle Time 5.11
Enter In1 Temp High 5.9
Enter In1 Temp Low 5.9
enter key 2.6
environmental testing 1.2–1.3
Error Latch, Analog Input x 5.10

fatal errors 3.8–3.9
input errors 3.8–3.9
operation 3.8–3.9

system errors 3.8–3.9
troubleshooting 3.8–3.9

event input 4.13, 6.3

see, Digital Input x

event output, ramp rate or ramp time

or soak steps 4.12

see, Digital Output x


Factory Page 2.1, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1

lockout 8.3
parameter table 9.7

Fahrenheit scale 5.1
Filter Time 5.10, 6.2
filter time constant 6.2
Frequently Asked Questions 4.10
Full Access 8.1, 8.3
Full Default 10.1, 10.4

Control Output x 5.11
Digital Input x 5.11
Digital Output x 5.13


global system parameters 5.4
Guarantee Soak 4.3
Guarantee Soak Band x 5.7
Guarantee Soak, ramp rate or ramp

time or soak steps 4.13

guided setup and programming 2.5


High Power Limit 5.6, 5.11
High Scale 5.13, 6.3
Hold 3.3, 4.5
hold profile 3.3
holdback, see guaranteed soak
hours remaining, ramp time or soak

step, current profile status

Hysteresis 6.4

boost heat & cool 6.10
Cascade Inner Loop 3.12
Cascade Outer Loop 3.14
PID Set 1 to 5 3.12
PID Set 6 to 10 3.13


“i” key 1.4, 2.4, 2.7
Idle 4.5
Idle Set Point 4.5, 4.16
Idle Set Point, Channel x, power out