Cascade high set point, Ratio menu, Ratio master loop – Watlow CPC400 User Manual

Page 142: Ratio menu 128

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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference

CPC400 Series User’s Guide


Watlow Anafaze

Doc. 0600-2900-2000

Cascade High Set Point

Enter the set point to use for the current loop when the out-
put of primary loop is at its maximum value. The set point
will never exceed this value.

If the primary loop has only the heat output enabled,
or has the heat and cool outputs enabled, this value is
the set point when the output of the primary loop is
100 percent.

If the primary loop has only the cool output enabled,
then this value is the set point when the output of the
primary loop is 0 percent.

Values: For a thermocouple or RTD input, any value with-
in the input range (see Table 5.7 on page 104). For a pro-
cess or pulse input, any value between the Input range low
and Input range high parameters. This value must be
greater than the Cascade low SP parameter.
Default: 25 for a thermocouple, RTD or process input; 0 for
the pulse input
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44699 to 44707
Parameter Number: 102
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 102.1 to 102.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80

Ratio Menu

Use the ratio menu to configure ratio control, differential
control or remote analog set point. Use these control meth-
ods to calculate the set point of the current loop (the ratio
loop) based upon the process variable of another loop (the
master loop).

For more information about ratio control, see Setting Up
Ratio Control on page 73
, Setting Up Differential Control
on page 75
Setting Up Remote Analog Set Point on page

Ratio Master Loop

Choose the master loop. The controller uses the process
variable of the master loop to calculate the set point of the
current loop.

Values: none (0), or loop 1 to 5 (1 to 5) for a CPC404 or 1 to
9 (1 to 9) for a CPC408. You cannot choose the current loop.
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44750 to 44758
Parameter Number: 105
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 105.1 to 105.9

l01 Cascade hi r
SP b 25 ˚F

l01 Ratio r
Other menus b

l01 Ratio r
master loopbnone