Heat/cool integral, Heat/cool derivative, Heat/cool manual reset – Watlow CPC400 User Manual
Page 126
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Watlow Anafaze
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Heat/Cool Integral
Enter the integral constant. A larger value yields less inte-
gral action.
Values: 0 (off) to 6000 seconds per repeat
Default: For the Heat integral parameter, 180 (or 0 for a
pulse input). For the Cool integral parameter, 60 (or 0 for a
pulse input).
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40035 to 40043 (heat) or
40052 to 40060 (cool)
Parameter Number: 2 (heat) or 3 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 2.1 to 2.9 (heat) or 3.1
to 3.9 (cool)
Heat/Cool Derivative
Enter the derivative constant. A larger value yields greater
derivative action.
Values: 0 to 255 seconds
Default: 0
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40069 to 40077 (heat) or
40086 to 40094 (cool)
Parameter Number: 4 (heat) or 5 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 4.1 to 4.9 (heat) or 5.1
to 5.9 (cool)
Heat/Cool Manual Reset
A process that uses only proportional control settles at a
point above or below the set point; it never reaches the set
point. This is known as offset or droop. At this parameter,
enter the power level required to maintain set point to com-
pensate for this offset.
Values: 0 to 100% (0 to 1000). Values in parentheses are
for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: 0% (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 45274 to 45282 (heat) or
45291 to 45299 (cool)
Parameter Number: 129 (heat) or 130 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 129.1 to 129.9 (heat)
or 130.1 to 130.9 (cool)
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Percentage Values on page 80.
l01 Heat inte- r
gral b 180 sec/R
l01 Heat de- r
rivativeb 0 sec
l01 Heat manualr
reset b 0%