Heat/cool cycle time, Heat/cool sdac signal, Heat/cool sdac low signal – Watlow CPC400 User Manual

Page 131

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CPC400 Series User’s Guide

Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference

Doc. 0600-2900-2000

Watlow Anafaze


Heat/Cool Cycle Time

For a time-proportioning output, enter the cycle time in
seconds. For more information about cycle time, see Time
Proportioning (TP) on page 88

Values: 1 to 255 seconds
Default: 10 for a heat output, 10 for a cool output
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40683 to 40691 (heat) or
40700 to 40708 (cool)
Parameter Number: 42 (heat) or 43 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 42.1 to 42.9 (heat) or
43.1 to 43.9 (cool)

Heat/Cool SDAC Signal

For a Serial DAC output, choose the type of output signal
that the Serial DAC will provide.

Values: voltage (0) or current (1). Values in parentheses
are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: voltage (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44307 to 44315 (heat) or
44324 to 44332 (cool)
Parameter Number: 78 (heat) or 79 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 78.1 to 78.9 (heat) or
79.1 to 79.9 (cool)

Heat/Cool SDAC Low Signal

For a Serial DAC output, enter the low output signal level
for the Serial DAC. The Serial DAC converts 0 percent out-
put from the controller to this value.

Enter high and low values that match the input range of
the output device. For instance, if the output device has a 0
to 10VÎ (dc) input range, then set SDAC low signal to
.00VÎ (dc) and set SDAC hi signal to 10.00VÎ (dc).

Values: .00 to 9.90VÎ (dc) (0 to 990) or 0.00 to 19.90 mA
(0 to 1990). This value must be less than the value of SDAC
hi signal
. Values in parentheses are for serial communica-
tions and LogicPro.
Default: .00VÎ (dc) (0) or 4.00 mA (400)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44341 to 44349 (heat) or
44358 to 44366 (cool)
Parameter Number: 80 (heat) or 81 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 80.1 to 80.9 (heat) or
81.1 to 81.9 (cool)

l01 Heat cycle r
time b 10sec

l01 Heat SDAC r
signal bvoltage

l01 Ht SDAC lowr
signal b .00vdc