Nortel Networks 9150 User Manual
Page 153

Remote Gateway 9150 Installation and Administration Guide
January 2005
Installing the Remote Gateway 9150 unit
Wish to Enable PSTN
Connection to Remote
Click on the Yes option button to enable
the PSTN connection to the RLC. Then
enter the telephone number that must be
dialed to connect to the RLC.
The telephone number can include the
following digits or characters: 0
through 9, #, *, comma (,), period (.),
and dash (-).
Caller ID separator: “.” (period)
Caller ID separator and 1/2 second
delay: “,” (comma)
null separator: “-” (dash)
Click on the No option button to disable
the PSTN connection to the RLC.
Clicking on the No option button dims
the PSTN Number fields.
Wish to configure Multiple
9150 Ports
Click on the Yes option button if you
want to assign Remote Gateway 9150
ports to digital telephones now. Then,
do the following:
Enter the first RLC port number to
Note: Nortel recommends that ports
be configured so that the RLC port
number matches the Remote Gateway
9150 unit’s port number.
Enter the number of telephones
connected to the Remote Gateway
9150 unit.
Click on the No option button if you
want to complete port assignment at a
later time with Configuration Manager.