Nortel Networks CTA 150i User Manual

Read me first / à lire / léame primero, Cta 150 i installation update

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Read Me First / À lire / Léame primero

CTA 150

i Installation Update

Some recent versions of software require a different installation procedure than
the one described in the CTA 150

i Installation Guide.

Follow the steps below when installing the CTA 150

i with any


1. Install the enclosed software before installing the CTA 150

i hardware.

The directions for installing the software are included with the software.


If you received the Personal Productivity Suite CD-ROM with
your CTA 150

i, the instructions for installing recent versions of

Norstar TAPI Service Provider are included on the CD-ROM.
The installation instructions on pages 9 -15 of the CTA 150


Installation Guide are for installing Norstar TAPI Service
Provider 1.1 or 1.2 only.

2. After the software installation is complete, look for the help file named


. If available, this help file is in the Help directory in

your Windows directory.

If this help file is in the directory, follow the instructions in the help file
to install the CTA 150

i. These instructions replace the hard copy

installation documents enclosed in this kit.

If this help file is not in the directory, follow the instructions on pages 1
to 8 in the CTA 150

i Installation Guide to install the CTA 150i.

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