4 printing the list module data (as from sw 5) – Siemens SINUMERIK 840C User Manual

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headline “S16 P3 N7”

This reserves 16 characters for the parameter name (e.g. the word “axis”), 3 cha-
racters for the current parameter number (e.g. axis number) and 7 characters for
the number of the current parameter (e.g. “C2”).

In the same way it is now possible to display the name of the parameter set
group and the current parameter set number in additional fields. The letters “S”
and “P” together with a length are added in the same way. They must be pre-
ceded, however by the relevant G number of the required parameter set group
(see above).

headline “G2 S30 P3”

The text “Parameter set ratio” “n” now appears on the screen, “n” representing
the current parameter set number.

If the above configurable information such as parameter number etc. are to ap-
pear without “G” with “S”, “P” and “N” after the parameter set information, they
must be introduced with “G0”.

Parameter number: headline “S16 P3 N7”
Parameter set number: headline “G2 S30 P3”
Parameter number and parameter set number:

headline “S16 P3 N7 G2 S30 P3”

Parameter set number and parameter number:

headline “G2 S30 P3 G0 S16 P3 N7”

Selecting the

It is possible to jump to the parameter set number in the same way as to the

parameter set

parameter number using the key combination + (shift key and left
diagonal up arrowkey – new as from SW 4).

Here, a number can be entered directly or the toggle key can be used to switch to
the next value.

The arrow keys can be used to jump between several input fields in the headline
(e.g. parameter number and parameter set number).


No guarantee can be given regarding future alterations and expansions to the
structure of the lists.

No liability can be accepted if the contents of the lists are altered.

Please refer to the OEM documentation for additional configuring information.


Printing the list module data (as from SW 5)

As from SW 5.1 it is possible to store the contents of a list module in a print file.


This function is triggered with @P in the appropriate list display. The entire list
display is stored, not only the section visible on the screen.

File name

The print file is stored in the user branch in directory Start-up/Logs. The file name
is generated from the selected data area (TEA1, TEA2, ...) and a sequence num-
ber, e.g. TEA1_001.

Output in PC format

These files can be output via Services “Print serial” or Data output (in PC format).


5 Machine Data Dialog (MDD – as from SW 3)

5.10.4 Printing the list module data (as from SW 5)

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