2 downloading data in csv format, Downloading data in csv format – SMA SC 500CP XT User Manual

Page 59

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5. Select the button [Download].

6. Choose the save location.

7. Select the button [Save].

Downloading Data in CSV Format

Data saved in CSV format can be automatically imported into tables (e.g. in Microsoft Excel). The configured
separator and end of line characters are used to structure the data.


☐ Averaging must be activated (see Section 6.3.1, page 56).


1. Log into the user interface (see Section 9.4.1, page 81).

2. Select Sunny Central > Recording.

3. In the field Format, select the option CSV.

4. Select [Configure].

5. Select the desired format of the file name in the field Filename format.

6. In the field Create column headers, select an option:




A header is added to the CSV file.


No header is added to the CSV file.

7. Select an option in the field End-of-line character.



CRLF (Windows)

Control character used in Windows to separate lines in a CSV file.

LF (Unix/Linux)

Control character used in Linux to separate lines in a CSV file.

CR (Mac)

Control character used in Macintosh to separate lines in a CSV file.

8. In the field Separator character , select the separator character to be used to separate content within the CSV

file. Tip: If you intend to import CSV data into Microsoft Excel for evaluation, choose Comma as the separator.

9. In the field Number format, select the desired number format. Tip: If you intend to import CSV data into

Microsoft Excel for evaluation, select #.## as the number format.

10. In the field Timestamp format, select the desired time format.

11. In the field Format of the status channels, select an option:




Status information on the inverter is displayed in numeric format.

Plain text

Status information on the inverter is displayed as text.

12. Select the button [Save].

13. In the field Download, select the required month. The data of the last twelve months is available for download

via the user interface.

14. Select the button [Download].

15. Select the button [Save].

6 Operation

SMA Solar Technology AG

User Manual

