Software options, Fundamentals tnc model, software and features – HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (34059x-05) Cycle programming User Manual
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TNC model, software and features
TNC 640 | User's Manual Cycle Programming | 1/2015
Software options
The TNC 640 features various software options that can be enabled by your machine tool builder. Each option is to
be enabled separately and contains the following respective functions:
Additional Axis
(option number 0 to option number 7)
Additional axis
Additional control loops 1 to 8
Advanced Function Set 1
(option 8)
Expanded functions Group 1
Machining with rotary tables
Cylindrical contours as if in two axes
Feed rate in distance per minute
Coordinate transformations:
Tilting the working plane
Circle in 3 axes with tilted working plane (spatial arc)
Advanced Function Set 2
(option 9)
Expanded functions Group 2
3-D machining:
Motion control with minimum jerk
3-D tool compensation through surface normal vectors
Using the electronic handwheel to change the angle of the swivel
head during program run without affecting the position of the tool
point. (TCPM = Tool Center Point Management)
Keeping the tool normal to the contour
Tool radius compensation perpendicular to traversing direction and
tool direction
Linear in 5 axes (subject to export permit)
Touch Probe Functions
(option 17)
Touch probe cycles:
Compensation of tool misalignment in automatic mode
Datum setting in the
Manual Operation mode
Datum setting in automatic mode
Automatically measuring workpieces
Tools can be measured automatically
Touch probe functions
(option number 18)
Communication with external PC applications over COM component
Display Step
(Option #23)
Display step
Input resolution:
Linear axes down to 0.01 µm
Rotary axes to 0.00001°