6 rectangular stud (cycle 256, din/iso: g256), Cycle run, Rectangular stud (cycle 256, din/iso: g256) – HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (34059x-05) Cycle programming User Manual

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TNC 640 | User's Manual Cycle Programming | 1/2015



DIN/ISO: G256)

Cycle run

Use Cycle 256 to machine a rectangular stud. If a dimension of the
workpiece blank is greater than the maximum possible stepover,
then the TNC performs multiple stepovers until the finished
dimension has been machined.

1 The tool moves from the cycle starting position (stud center)

to the starting position for stud machining. Specify the starting
position with parameter Q437. The standard starting position

Q437=0) is 2 mm to the right of the unmachined stud

2 If the tool is at the 2nd set-up clearance, it moves at rapid


FMAX to the set-up clearance, and from there advances

to the first plunging depth at the feed rate for plunging.

3 The tool then moves tangentially to the stud contour and

machines one revolution.

4 If the finished dimension cannot be machined with one

revolution, the TNC performs a stepover with the current
factor, and machines another revolution. The TNC takes the
dimensions of the workpiece blank, the finished dimension, and
the permitted stepover into account. This process is repeated
until the defined finished dimension has been reached. If you
have set the starting point on a corner (Q437 not equal to 0), the
TNC mills on a spiral path from the starting point inward until
the finished dimension has been reached.

5 If further stepovers are required, the tool then departs the

contour on a tangential path and returns to the starting point of
stud machining.

6 The TNC then plunges the tool to the next plunging depth, and

machines the stud at this depth.

7 This process is repeated until the programmed stud depth is


8 At the end of the cycle, the TNC merely positions the tool in

the tool axis at the clearance height defined in the cycle. This
means that the end position differs from the starting position.