HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (34059x-05) Cycle programming User Manual

Page 472

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Touch Probe Cycles: Automatic Datum Setting

15.1 Fundamentals



TNC 640 | User's Manual Cycle Programming | 1/2015

Characteristics common to all touch probe cycles for
datum setting

You can also run the Touch Probe Cycles 408 to 419
during an active rotation (basic rotation or Cycle 10).

Datum point and touch probe axis

From the touch probe axis that you have defined in the measuring
program the TNC determines the working plane for the datum.

Active touch probe axis

Datum setting in


X and Y


Z and X


Y and Z

Saving the calculated datum

In all cycles for datum setting you can use the input parameters
Q303 and Q305 to define how the TNC is to save the calculated

Q305 = 0, Q303 = any value

: The TNC sets the calculated

datum in the display. The new datum is active immediately. At
the same time, the TNC saves the datum set in the display by
the cycle in line 0 of the preset table.

Q305 not equal to 0, Q303 = –1