Enable fibre channel network tcp checksums, Verify access to shared storage, The uim-san-geip does not recognize shared storage – Grass Valley UIM v.2.1.1 User Manual
Page 78

UIM Instruction Manual
February 5, 2008
Chapter 4 UIM-SAN-GEIP Installation: Grass Valley Open SAN System
Enable Fibre Channel network TCP checksums
When configuring Profile XP Media Platform, you must enable TCP checksums on
the Fibre Channel Network adapter. For instructions, refer to the Fibre Channel
Networking chapter in the Profile XP Media Platform System Guide.
Verify access to shared storage
Before continuing, you can confirm UIM-SAN-GEIP access to the shared storage
using Windows Explorer to view the V: drive.
To check for access to shared storage:
1. On the UIM-SAN-GEIP, open Windows Explorer.
2. Double-click the computer icon, and check that the “V” drive is listed.
The following folders are present:
• attic
• media
• Pdr
CAUTION: Do not browse the folders on the V: drive or alter any data
in the V: drive. This may render the Open SAN inoperable.
3. If all the UIM-SAN-GEIPs have access to shared storage, proceed to
UIM-SAN-GEIP functionality” on page 79
. If not, proceed to the next section
UIM-SAN-GEIP does not recognize shared storage”
The UIM-SAN-GEIP does not recognize shared storage
If the UIM-SAN-GEIP does not have access to the shared storage, use the following
procedures to diagnose possible setup problems.
Check network connections and hosts file name resolution
If access to shared storage or transfer request fails, use the following procedure to test
for basic Ethernet connectivity and name resolution on the UIM-SAN-GEIP. This is
a common setup problem and can prevent media transfers.
To test basic Ethernet connectivity and name resolution:
1. On the UIM-SAN-GEIP, open the Windows command prompt and use the
command to test the network connection to the Open SAN FSM.
For example, on one of the UIM-SAN-GEIPs, type:
ping SAN1_FSM
2. If the command returns:
Pinging SAN1_FSM []
you have successfully resolved the name “SAN1_FSM” to the IP address
If not, you may want to recheck the master hosts file for the correct host name and
IP address.