Optional system features – Gasboy 1000 Series Technical Reference Manual User Manual

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Card Systems




Activate Pump with Data Entry


The Activate Pump with Data Entry option allows the system operator to enter
card data and an odometer/hours reading at the data terminal before activating a
pump. The system prompts you for the card number, ID Field 1, ID Field 2, and
odometer/hours before allowing you to select a pump. When this transaction is
recorded, the digits of information, which are usually input at the Series 1000, are
replaced by those entered at the data terminal. If the user does not need to enter
data for a particular field, press RETURN at that field; it will be filled with nines (9).

Auxiliary Communications Port PCB


An optional auxiliary port PCB may be available if you have ordered the receipt
printer or tank monitor options. This board contains two ports (an RS-232 for a
receipt printer and a configurable RS-232/422 for a tank monitoring system).
Each has a selectable baud rate of 300, 1200, or 9600. The receipt printer is
always set to 9600. Most tank monitoring systems should be set to 300 or 1200
and, for optimum data transfer, should run at the same baud rate as the data

Dual Lockout


The Dual Lockout option allows the system operator to lock out a second field, in
addition to the standard card number. The second lockout field may be ID Field
, ID Field 2, or the optional manual entry field. The field must be four digits and
designated at the time of order. The two lockout fields are completely
independent from each other, (for example, locking out card number 2348 will not
lockout number 2348 in the second lockout field).

CFN Network

Dual lockout is not supported for CFN network systems.

"A" System

The additional lockout field for matching "A" Systems can be any field of four or
more digits. Field name must be specified at time of order. If the lockout fields
are both 4-digits, there are two independent lockout files. If lockout fields are 5 or
more digits, both the primary and additional lockout field share the same lockout
file and are not independent.

Extended Pump Timeouts


The Extended Pump Timeouts option allows the before and after pulsing
timeouts, loaded through the LP command, to be longer than 180 seconds. The
timeouts can be extended to 3600 seconds (one hour).

Fuel Allocation


The Fuel Allocation option allows the system operator to allocate to users, over a
period of time, predetermined amounts of fuel. This option works effectively only
in a single site operation.