Gasboy pc/invoicing system – Gasboy 1000 Series Technical Reference Manual User Manual

Page 149

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PC Software



Maintenance Schedule Report

Fleet only. Lists vehicles due for maintenance.

Maintenance Work Order Report

Fleet only. Lists all or specific maintenance transactions sorted by work

order number.

Vehicle Maintenance Report

Fleet only. Lists all maintenance performed on vehicles, either singly, all, by

range, department, or vehicle type.

Department Maintenance Report

Fleet only. Lists all maintenance performed by department, either singly, all,

by range, department, or vehicle type.

Maintenance Performed by Mechanic

Fleet only. Lists all maintenance performed by one or all mechanics.

Mechanic Maintenance Code/Time Report

Fleet only. Lists mechanic data for each type of maintenance code, the

number of maintenance codes completed, and the average time for

Maintenance Performed by Maintenance Code Report

Fleet only. Lists vehicle and maintenance information for a specified

maintenance code.



The PC/Invoicing package allows you to produce billing statements and enter
accounts receivable for customer accounts that fuel at sites controlled by a
GASBOY card or FleetKey system. Billing statements are created from files
entered and stored on the PC and from fuel transactions that occur at the fueling


PC/Invoicing produces the following reports:

Site File Listing

Lists all site records and present product information.

Account Listings

A multiple option menu contains the following report options: List or print all

account information, print a single account with vehicles and drivers, print
locked out accounts and cards, print uninvoiced dollar amount for one
account or all accounts over credit limit, print all accounts in year-to-date
dollar volume, print accounts with outstanding overdue balance, and print
account mailing labels.

Print Unprocessed Transactions

Allows the user to print all transactions gathered in the last polling, but not

yet processed.

Billing Statement History for one or all accounts

Lists an invoice summary for one or all accounts from the system date back

one year or for a period within one year that you specify.

Print Archived Billing Statements

Prints invoice transactions from the history file.

Fuel Usage by Account

Prints fuel usage by ascending account number. Includes account number,

name, and a list of all transactions for that account during the last cycle.
Transaction information includes vehicle number, driver number, odometer,
site name, transaction number, date and time of transaction, fuel quantity,
cost per gallon, and the total cost of the fuel.