Gasboy 1000 Series Technical Reference Manual User Manual
Page 25

Card Systems
If you have a GASBOY CFN system that uses 16-digit combined identification
fields, the ID fields can be configured the same on the Series 1000. However,
since the Series 1000 uses a maximum of 12 digits for Field 1 and Field 2, only
those are recorded.
CFN Network
The Series 1000 system for Commercial Fueling Networks has two identification
fields (ACCOUNT and VEHICLE). The ACCOUNT field is always 9 digits and the
VEHICLE field is always 4 digits.
If using dual cards, each field is usually encoded on a separate card and field
separators take the place of the corresponding data on the other card. If
ACCOUNT or VEHICLE appears on both cards, the field data must be the same
on both cards.
CFN Network
Supervisor Card
For Commercial Fueling Networks the Supervisor card can be used to enter data
in one to three of these fields: CARD, ACCOUNT and VEHICLE. Like standard
mag cards, the supervisor card is encoded with special characters (A or E) that
designate which fields (Card Number, Account, or Vehicle) should be entered
manually. The fields to be manually entered must be filled with either all As or all
Es. When the Supervisor card is used to enter data into the CARD field, the last
digit on the card must be encoded and it must match either the A or the E used in
the card field.
"A" System
A Series 1000 can be configured to accept up to four ID fields to match an
existing "A" system optical card. A common configuration contains Employee,
Vehicle, and Card number fields of four digits each. The lockout field for "A"
System cards must be designated at the time of order.
End Field Separator (Mag Card Only)
One field separator is encoded after the last ID Field (VEHICLE for CFN
Network) to indicate the end of identification data.
Expiration Date (Mag Card Only)
Expiration date is a four-digit field assigned to establish a lifetime for the card.
The first two digits represent the year; the last two digits represent the month.
When using dual cards, the expiration date may be encoded on one or both of the
cards. If the expiration date is encoded on only one of the cards, field separators
take the place of the expiration date on the other dual card. If the expiration date
is encoded on both cards, it must be the same on both cards. If you wish to code
the cards with a date in the distant future, you can code 1012 for December 2010.
You can configure the system (using the SC command) to ignore the expiration
date on the card. See the Series 1000 Operation Manual for use of the SC
command. In any case, a valid year (00-99) and a valid month (01-12) must be
encoded on the card.
For GASBOY CFN, the Expiration Date field may be omitted in the Series 1000
System if it is being configured to match a CFN system without an Expiration Date