Epiphan Networked VGA Grid User Manual

Page 68

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Networked VGA Grid User Guide

1-4 Configure Encoder Network Settings

 7. Enter the Default Gateway address. If you do not have a default gateway for your network, enter the

new static IP address of the Networked VGA Grid that is found on the Network page in its web


The default gateway cannot be left blank. If no default gateway is specified, unexpected

behavior occurs.

 8. Enter the DNS Server address. If you do not have a DNS server, enter the new static IP address of the


The DNS Server address cannot be left blank. If no DNS Server is specified, unexpected behavior


 9. Click Apply to save the changes; the changes are saved and a message appears asking you to reboot.

 10. Select the Maintenance link under the Configuration menu; the maintenance page appears.

 11. Click the Reboot Now button near the bottom of the page.

The following table describes applicable fields when setting a static IP address.

Table 14

Static IP Address Fields




Select this radio button to dynamically obtain an IP address at boot up.

Use static address

Select this radio button to use the configured static IP address.

IP Address

The internet protocol address (IP Address) to assign. This value is may be obtained

from your system administrator. The VGA Grid HD Encoder supports IPv4 addresses. It

does not support IPv6 addresses.

Network Mask

Also called the subnet mask, this value denotes a range of IP addresses. This value may

be obtained from your system administrator, determined from another computer on

the same subnet, or calculated using an online subnet calculator.

Default Gateway

The network node that serves as an access point to the rest of the network. This value

cannot be blank. Specify the VGA Grid’s IP address if you don’t have a default gateway

on your network.

DNS Server

The domain name system server (DNS server) translates human-readable hostnames

into corresponding IP addresses. Specify the VGA Grid HD Encoder or VGA Grid’s IP

address if you don’t have a DNS server on your network.