Downloading files from the local ftp server – Epiphan Networked VGA Grid User Manual

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Networked VGA Grid User Guide

5-5 Use the Local FTP Server

 c. Click Apply.

 5. To allow the FTP user to delete files:

 a. Select the Enable FTP DELETE command check box.

 b. Click Apply.

Any currently logged in ftp users must log out and back in again to have access to

the command.

 6. To disable the FTP server:

 a. De-select the Enable FTP access check box.

 b. Click Apply.

 7. To disable file deletion by FTP:

 a. De-select the Enable FTP DELETE command check box.

 b. Click Apply.

Any currently logged in users will continue to have access to the delete command

until they log out and log in again.

The following table summarizes the options for configuring the local FTP server.

Table 34

FTP Server Configuration Options


Description / Options

Enable FTP access

The check box controls whether or not the system acts as an FTP server. By default this is


FTP user name

Select one of the system users: admin, operator, or viewer. The ftp password will be the

access password for the selected user. By default the admin user is selected.

Enable FTP

DELETE command

Controls whether or not FTP users can delete files. By default file deletion is not


Downloading Files from the Local FTP Server

Once you have configured a local FTP server, you can use the tool of your choice to download files from the


The system stores files in a folder structure with a folder for each channel and a folder for each recorder.

Channel folders are labeled video (i.e. video3 for channel 3). Recorder folders are labeled