Epiphan Networked VGA Grid User Manual

Page 266

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Networked VGA Grid User Guide

7-7 Storage Disk Maintenance

Depending on your exact version of Linux, the steps you follow may differ slightly from the steps


To read the recorded files:

 1. Install Linux on a workstation where the drives will be installed (Ubuntu or Debian are recommended.

RedHat/CentOS/Fedora are also supported).

 2. Confirm mdadm tool is installed, if not, install it. For Ubuntu/Debian use apt-get, for RH/CentOS use


 3. Turn off the workstation and connect the storage drives (if using RAID 1 you can attach just one drive).

 4. Start the workstation.

 5. If only one drive of a RAID 1 set is connected:

 a. Open a terminal window and enter the following in the command line to determine the name of

the disk:

sudo fdisk -l

 b. Issue this command to build the disk:

(In the example, the disk name is /dev/sbd1. Your disk name may be different.)

sudo mdadm —assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1

 c. The following message appears:

mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 1 drive (out of 2).

 6. Verify that RAID is started. At the command line, enter:

sudo mdadm -D /dev/md0

 7. Verify that the output is similar to this, with the disk in a clean state and the correct RAID level indicated:

(Only one disk is used in the example. If you are using multiple disks, the output will be a bit different.)


Version : 1.2

Creation Time : Thu Jan 16 12:55:36 2014

Raid Level : raid1

Array Size : 499975360 (476.81 GiB 511.97 GB)

Used Dev Size : 499975360 (476.81 GiB 511.97 GB)

Raid Devices : 2