Adjust video quality – Epiphan Networked VGA Grid User Manual

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Networked VGA Grid User Guide

3-3 Fine-tune channel configuration

Adjust video quality

After sources are connected and channels are created, adjustments can be made to address the different

bandwidth and devices used by the sharing destinations. Ideally you want to choose formats that will reach the

majority of your participants.

Default values have been carefully selected to provide maximum performance in most

environments. In most cases it is not necessary to change the encoding settings.

To encode your video stream:

 1. Connect to the admin interface using your preferred connection mechanism. See

Connect to the Admin



 2. Login as admin.

 3. From the web interface, select a channel; the menu expands.

 4. Click Encoding ; the Encoding page opens.

 5. If the selected codec is H.264, click Video encoding preset to define how a video stream is encoded.

Choose one of the following:



High quality

This is the only available option for H.264 encoding with HD Encoders. It provides

the best performance available.

 6. If the selected codec is H.264, click Video encoding profile to limit or include video formats that are

supported. Choose one of the following:




Choose this option when streaming to an application that requires robustness

and cannot tolerate data loss, for example video-conferencing.


Choose this option for standard-definition broadcasts. This is the default.


Choose this option when video is viewed for broadcast and disk storage

applications, particularly for high definition television application such as Blu-ray

disk storage format and HDTV broadcast service.

Video encoding profile and preset can be set only when the H.264 codec is selected.