Epiphan Networked VGA Grid User Manual

Page 136

background image

Networked VGA Grid User Guide

3-4 Customize your channel

 6. Scroll to Common settings.

 7. Choose a color from the Background color drop-down menu.

 8. Click Apply; color is added to the unused space.

 9. For multi-source layouts, click Sources for the channel.

The background color is ignored on mutli-source layout channels that have a background

image configured via the channel's branding page.

Add a customized background to a multiple source channel

The background feature on the Branding page allows you to apply a customized background for your multiple

source channel. You can create a background that is consistent with your corporate branding or provide

additional information to your viewer such as presenter’s name, company name etc. You can apply any PNG,

TIFF, JPEG file as a background.

To add a customized background:

Before you can upload and apply a customized background, save a PNG, TIFF, JPEG file to a location

to which you can browse. For best results, the background image size should match the frame size

of your multi-source layout (frame size is set in the Encoding configuration page).

 1. Connect to the admin interface using your preferred connection mechanism. See

Connect to the Admin



 2. Login as admin.

 3. Click the Branding Content link in the Configuration menu; the configuration page opens.

 3. Click Choose File from the Upload files/templates heading. A browser dialog box opens.

 4. Navigate to the folder on your admin computer that contains the PNG or JPEG file.

The maximum supported file size is 3840×2160. No warning or error message is displayed if

your image is too large. Files that exceed the maximum size do not appear in the drop-down

list when selecting an image.

 3. Click Open. The file is added to the File/template to upload field.