51 - time overcurrent protection, 51 - time overcurrent protection -12 – Basler Electric BE1-700 User Manual
Page 68
Figure 4-8. Overcurrent Protection Screen, 50T Tab
Table 4-7. Operating Settings for Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection
Unit of Measure Default
1 A
5 A
0 = Disabled
0.1 to 30
0 = Disabled
0.5 to 150
0.01 for 0.1 to 9.99
0.1 for 10.0 to 99.9
1.0 for 100 to 150
Secondary Amps
0 to 999 milliseconds
0.1 to 60 seconds
0.1 for 0.1 to 9.9
1.0 for 10 to 60
0 to 3600 cycles (60 Hz)
0 to 2500 cycles (50 Hz)
∗ Time delays less than 10 cycles can be entered to the nearest 0.1 cycles from the front panel HMI. All
time delays can be entered to the nearest 0.01 cycles from the ASCII command interface. Time delays
entered in cycles are converted to milliseconds or seconds. Increment precision after conversion is limited
to that appropriate for each of those units of measure.
Retrieving Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection Status from the Relay
The status of each logic variable can be determined through the ASCII command interface using the RG-
STAT (report general-status) command. See Section 6, Reporting and Alarm Functions, General Status
Reporting, for more information. The status can also be determined using BESTCOMS Metering screen.
51 - Time Overcurrent Protection
BE1-700 relays have one element for phase (51P), two elements for neutral (51N and 151N), and one
element for negative-sequence (51Q) inverse time overcurrent protection.
Figure 4-9 shows the 51P, 51N, and 51Q elements. The 151N element is identical in configuration. Each
element has two outputs: Pickup (PU) and Trip (T). A BLK (Block) logic input is provided to disable the
function. When this expression is TRUE, the element is disabled by forcing the outputs to logic 0 and
resetting the timers to zero. This feature operates in a similar manner to the torque control contact of an
electromechanical relay.
BE1-700 Protection and Control
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