Targets, Targets -17, Table 6-10. fault reporting trigger settings -17 – Basler Electric BE1-700 User Manual
Page 149

Alarms from the Screens pull-down menu. Select the Fault Recording tab. Then select the Logic button in
the Fault Recording box in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Alternately, settings may be made
using SG-TRIGGER ASCII command.
Figure 6-12. BESTlogic Function Element Screen, Fault Recording
To connect the function's inputs, select the button for the corresponding input in the BESTlogic Function
Element screen. The BESTlogic Expression Builder screen will open. Select the expression type to be
used. Then, select the BESTlogic variable, or series of variables to be connected to the input. Select
Save when finished to return to the BESTlogic Function Element screen. For more details on the
BESTlogic Expression Builder, see Section 7, BESTlogic Programmable Logic. Select Done when the
settings have been completely edited. Trigger settings for fault reports are made using the SG-TRIGGER
(settings-general, trigger) command.
Table 6-10 lists the function's trigger settings.
Table 6-10. Fault Reporting Trigger Settings
Logic expression used to define Trip fault reporting condition. When
this expression becomes TRUE (1), it triggers data recording and
illuminates the Trip LED.
Logic expression used to define Pickup fault reporting condition.
When this expression becomes TRUE (1), it initiates the pickup
timing sequence and the Trip LED will flash on and off.
Logic expression used to define the trigger for fault reporting when
relay is not picked up. When this expression is TRUE (1), fault
reporting is triggered.
Each protective function (see Table 6-11) logs target information to the fault reporting function when a trip
condition occurs and the trip output of the function block becomes TRUE (refer to Figure 6-6 and Table
6-6, call-out B). C applies to BE1-700C relays; V applies to BE1-700V relays; and A applies to both types.
Target information can be viewed and reset at the HMI and through the communication ports.
9376700990 Rev M
BE1-700 Reporting and Alarm Functions