Style number and serial number verification, Irig verification (if used), Contact sensing inputs – Basler Electric BE1-700 User Manual
Page 301: Control outputs, Style number and serial number verification -5, Irig verification (if used) -5, Contact sensing inputs -5, Control outputs -5, Table 13-2. contact sensing turn-on voltage -5

Style Number and Serial Number Verification
Purpose: To verify that the BE1-700 relay model number, style number, and current software program
version matches the unit and unit labels.
Reference Commands: RG-VER
Step 1: Through COM0, transmit the command RG-VER. The BE1-700 relay should respond with the
model number, style number, application program version and date, boot program version and
date, the relay serial number, and Ethernet information (for style numbers xxxxx4x and
xxxxx5x). Verify that all reported data is current, appropriate and matches the label on the relay
front panel.
IRIG Verification (if used)
Purpose: To verify that the BE1-700 relay acquires and updates IRIG time and date information.
Reference Commands: RG-DATE, RG-TIME
Step 1: Connect a suitable IRIG source to relay Terminals A1 and A2.
Step 2: Upon receiving the IRIG signal, the relay clock will be updated with the current time, day, and
month. Verify this at Screen 4.6 on the front panel HMI or by sending the RG-TIME and RG-
DATE commands to the relay through any communications port.
Contact Sensing Inputs
Purpose: To verify that the BE1-700 relay senses hardware input and output status.
Reference Commands: ACCESS, CO-OUT, CS-OUT, EXIT, RG-STAT
Step 1: Apply an external voltage source within the range of the voltages listed in Table 13-2 to Contact
Sensing Inputs IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4.
Table 13-2. Contact Sensing Turn-On Voltage
Nominal Control Voltage
Contact Sensing Turn-On Voltage
24 Vdc
Approx. 5 Vdc
48 Vdc
26 to 38 Vdc
125 Vdc
69 to 100 Vdc
250 Vdc
138 to 200 Vdc
Step 2: To verify that all inputs have been detected, transmit the command RG-STAT to retrieve INPUT
(1234) information. Input status can also be viewed at HMI Screen 1.4.1.
Control Outputs
Step 1: Transmit the commands ACCESS=, CS-OUT=ENA, CO-OUT=ENA, EXIT, and YES to enable
the output control override capability of the relay in order to pulse each output contact.
Step 2: From the HMI keypad, navigate to Screen (Output Control Override) to override control of the
outputs via the keypad.
Step 3: Once you have accessed the screen, press the Edit pushbutton to enable the override function
(Step 1 enables logic override, pressing the Edit pushbutton enables selecting the control
action). Select an output to override by using the LEFT/RIGHT arrow pushbuttons. Once
selected, use the UP/DOWN arrow pushbuttons to choose the type of action (P, 1, or 0) for the
selected output contact. Select the pulse (P) action for the alarm contact (A). Pressing the Edit
pushbutton again will force the alarm output contact action.
Step 4: Verify that the sequence of events recorder logged the events by sending the command RS-2 to
the relay (requesting the last two events it logged). The close-open pulse action should be listed
as two separate events.
Step 5: Repeat Step 3 for all desired output contacts and verify that the sequence of events recorder
logged the events.
9376700990 Rev M
BE1-700 Testing and Maintenance