Figure 6-14. target reset logic -19, Table 6-12. target settings -19 – Basler Electric BE1-700 User Manual

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Figure 6-13. Reporting and Alarms, Fault Recording Tab

Target settings are summarized in Table 6-12.

Table 6-12. Target Settings



Enabled Targets

Specifies which protective elements will trigger a target. When the programmed
protective element’s BESTlogic expression is TRUE (1) and the trip output is
TRUE (1), a trip event is recorded in the target log.

Target Reset Logic

Logic expression that will reset the targets when TRUE.

Retrieving and Resetting Target Information

Targets can be viewed at HMI Screen 1.2 and through the communication ports using the RG-TARG
(report general, targets) command. The relay provides target information from the most recent trip event.
Target information is specific to an event; it is not cumulative. Targets for previous events are recorded in
the fault summary reports, which are described in the following subsection.

When a protective trip occurs and targets are logged, the HMI Trip LED seals-in and Screen 1.2 is
automatically displayed. The LCD scrolls between the targets and the fault current magnitudes that were
recorded during the fault. Pressing the HMI Reset key will clear these targets and the Trip LED. Password
access is not required to reset targets at the HMI. See Figure 6-14.

Figure 6-14. Target Reset Logic

9376700990 Rev M

BE1-700 Reporting and Alarm Functions


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