Altera MAX 10 Clocking and PLL User Manual

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Additonal Information for MAX 10 Clocking

and PLL User Guide





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Document Revision History for MAX 10 Clocking and PLL User Guide




May 2015

2015.05.04 Rearranged the fine resolution phase shift equation.

December 2014

2014.12.15 • Corrected the statement that if you do not use the dedicated clock

input pins for clock input, you can also use them as general-

purpose input or output pins.

• Added description in Internal Oscillator Architecture and Features

to state that the internal ring oscillator operates up to 232 MHz and

this frequency is not accessible.

• Added connectivity restrictions guideline for internal oscillator.

• Added Internal Oscillator IP Core parameter: Clock Frequency.

• Moved Internal Oscillator Frequencies table from Internal

Oscillator Architecture and Features chapter to MAX 10 FPGA

Device Datasheet.

September 2014

2014.09.22 Initial release.


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