Guideline: pll cascading, Guideline: clock switchover, Guideline: pll cascading -3 – Altera MAX 10 Clocking and PLL User Manual
Page 37: Guideline: clock switchover -3

The ALTPLL IP core does not have a dedicated output enable port. You can disable the PLL output using
signal to disable the PLL output counters.
Guideline: PLL Cascading
Consider the following guidelines when cascading PLLs:
• Set the primary PLL to low bandwidth to help filter jitter. Set the secondary PLL to high bandwidth to
track the jitter from the primary PLL. You can view the Quartus II software compilation report file to
ensure the PLL bandwidth ranges do not overlap. If the bandwidth ranges overlap, jitter peaking can
occur in the cascaded PLL scheme.
Note: You can get an estimate of the PLL deterministic jitter and static phase error (SPE) by using the
TimeQuest Timing Analyzer in the Quartus II software. Use the SDC command
to generate a report titled
in your
project directory. Then, use
command to add jitter and SPE
values to your clock constraints.
• Keep the secondary PLL in a reset state until the primary PLL has locked to ensure the phase settings
are correct on the secondary PLL.
• You cannot connect any of the
ports of any PLLs in a cascaded scheme to the clock outputs
from PLLs in the cascaded scheme.
Related Information
on page 2-26
Guideline: Clock Switchover
Use the following guidelines to design with clock switchover in PLLs:
• Clock loss detection and automatic clock switchover requires that the frequency difference between
is within 20% range. Failing to meet this requirement causes the
signals to function improperly.
• When using manual clock switchover, the frequency difference between
can be
more than 20%. However, differences between the two clock sources (frequency, phase, or both) can
cause the PLL to lose lock. Resetting the PLL ensures that the correct phase relationships are
maintained between the input and output clocks.
• Both
must be running when the
signal goes high to start the manual
clock switchover event. Failing to meet this requirement causes the clock switchover to malfunction.
• Applications that require a clock switchover feature and a small frequency drift must use a low-
bandwidth PLL. When referencing input clock changes, the low-bandwidth PLL reacts slower than a
high-bandwidth PLL. When the switchover happens, the low-bandwidth PLL propagates the stoppage
of the clock to the output at a slower speed than the high-bandwidth PLL. The low-bandwidth PLL
filters out jitter on the reference clock. However, be aware that the low-bandwidth PLL also increases
lock time.
• After a switchover occurs, there might be a finite resynchronization period for the PLL to lock onto a
new clock. The exact amount of time it takes for the PLL to relock depends on the PLL configuration.
Guideline: PLL Cascading
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Design Considerations
Altera Corporation