Street level geocoding method preference, Type of rows to geocode, Range to geocode – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual
Page 94: Matched case preference

Using Geocoding Options
MapMarker USA 25
User Guide
Street Level precision means that MapMarker attempts to geocode all records to street address, but
some matches may end up at a less precise location such as a ZIP centroid (ZIP + 4
, ZIP + 2, or
ZIP Code™) or shape path.
ZIP Centroid precision means that MapMarker attempts to match a record to the most precise ZIP
Code it finds. Keep in mind that a match to a ZIP + 4 centroid is nearly as precise as a match to a
street address. The added bonus of ZIP Centroid matching is the speed of the operation;
MapMarker processes records faster if it only has to match on the ZIP Code.
The disadvantage of ZIP Code matching is that MapMarker only examines the ZIP Code field. If your
records only contain 5-digit ZIP Codes, MapMarker can do no better than match to 5-digit ZIP Code
centroids. If you use street level precision, MapMarker looks at both the street name and ZIP Code
fields and attempts to return street level coordinates and falls back to ZIP Code coordinates,
optionally to ZIP + 4 centroid.
Geographic precision is to the city, county, or state geographic centroid. See
for details.
Street Level Geocoding Method Preference
The geocoding Method list allows you to select the geocoding method for Street Level geocoding.
MapMarker processes records automatically or interactively.
For automatic geocoding, the operation continues until all records are processed or the operation is
cancelled. For interactive geocoding, MapMarker geocodes records automatically, but stops on each
record for which it cannot make a single match. You can then choose the best match from a list of
Type of Rows to Geocode
The Unmatched Rows selection means that MapMarker attempts to geocode addresses in your
input table only if those addresses have not previously been matched (rows for which the GeoResult
field: blank or N). Addresses that already have been geocoded are not re-geocoded. Unmatched
Rows is the default selection.
You can click All Types to geocode all rows, regardless of whether they have been previously
geocoded. You can also click Georesult less than and select a level of geocoding from the
drop-down list. This re-geocodes addresses that were originally matched below the given level of
precision. Use Georesult less than only with a table that has already been geocoded. If you use
this option with a table that has not been geocoded, MapMarker geocodes all of the rows regardless
of this selection.
Range to Geocode
The All Rows selection means that MapMarker attempts to geocode all rows in your input table. You
can also select Row Numbers and select a range of row numbers for geocoding.
Matched Case Preference
Use Return Street Output in Mixed Letter Case to write matched output street addresses in
mixed-case (for example, 12 Front St). The input street column remains unchanged.