Geographic geocoding – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 89

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Chapter 3:

Geographic Geocoding

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

4. When through, click Done to view the log file or return to the MapMarker menu.

Geographic Geocoding

Geocoding to geographic centroids provides another fast alternative to street-level geocoding that
you can use when you do not need an exact match on the street address. Geographic geocoding is
less precise than street or postal geocoding, but may be suitable for certain applications. You can
also use geographic geocoding as a fallback option (see

Fallback Dialog on page 105

) if

MapMarker cannot match a record to the level or precision you originally requested (such as street

For geographic geocoding, MapMarker returns the most precise geographic centroid that it can,
based on the user input.

To geocode to geographic centroids:

1. At the Geocode dialog in the Geocode Precision group, choose To Geographic Centroid.

2. Choose the range and type of rows you want to geocode.

3. Click Geocode.