Candidate map dialog – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 225

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Appendix A:

MapMarker Dialogs

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

Candidate Map dialog

Characters used in

The number of characters that MapMarker uses to compare attribute
and output columns to make an exact match.

Bind Information Group

The lower half of the dialog is where you identify the attributes you
want added to your geocoding table and which columns to place
them in.

Type/Attribute List Box

Lists the type and names of attribute fields contained in the attribute

Type/Output Column List

Lists the type and column name of the output column where you want
the attribute information stored.

Modify/Add Columns

Click to access the Modify Table Structure dialog and add a new
column to the table or modify an existing column.

Bind to Column

Links to the highlighted attribute column and the output column.

Unbind Column

Uncouples the highlighted attribute column and the output column.


Invokes the settings and closes the dialog. The settings are saved in
the table’s metadata until you clear them.


Returns you to the Select Attribute Tables dialog.


Cancels the operation and closes the dialog.


Displays help on this dialog.