Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 263

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Appendix A:

MapMarker Dialogs

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

City Name

When the City Name box is checked, MapMarker requires a city
name match. When this box in unchecked, the city name does not
have to match.

ZIP Code

When ZIP Code™ is checked, ZIP Code must be exactly matched
to get a geocoding match. When ZIP Code is unchecked,
surrounding ZIP Codes are considered for matching purposes and
records with missing ZIP Codes are also considered.

Search Level

Select City, Finance Area, or Expanded from the drop down list.
Finance Area is the default for CASS Mode. City is the default for
all other modes.

Distance in miles

If Expanded Search is selected, Distance in miles specifies how
many miles from the input address to expand the search. You can
specify up to 99 (miles).

Limit to current state

If Expanded Search is selected, Limit to current state limits the
expanded search to the same state of the input address,
regardless of the mile radius.

Finance Area

Select this Search Level to perform street level geocoding within
the Finance Area in which the input street is located.


Select this Search Level to perform street level geocoding within
the city that the input street is located.

Use Wide Search

Use wide search to consider all streets that begin with the first
letter of the input street name, and therefore can identify many
more potential candidates. Wide search is most often used in
combination with Relaxed mode as part of a multiple-pass
geocoding strategy. See

Using Wide Search with Multiple Pass

Strategy on page 103


Prefer Matching ZIP over
Matching City

Check this box to prefer an internal close candidate on postal
code over a match on city.


If MapMarker cannot match a record to the level or precision that
you have requested (such as street level), it can fall back to use
less precise matching criteria. You can select one or both of the
fallback options.

Fallback to ZIP Centroid

Click this option to allow fallback to ZIP Code™ Centroids. If a
close match was not found using the Require Exact Match criteria,
you can still geocode based on ZIP Code centroids.