Interactive geocode dialog – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 239

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Appendix A:

MapMarker Dialogs

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

Interactive Geocode dialog

The Interactive Geocode dialog appears when the Interactive option is selected in the Geocode
dialog. This dialog displays unmatched records one at a time and a list of suggested matches (if
any). Click Geocode to accept the match or click Ignore to move to the next ungeocoded record.

Match type

Describes the type of match made while geocoding the record and to what
level the record was geocoded.

Match details

Indicates the criteria used in determining the match.


The summary reflects the percentage of new matches, unmatched and
previously matched records.


Indicates percent of rows successfully matched.

No match

Indicates percent of rows not matched.

Previous match

Indicates percent of rows geocoded in previous geocoding sessions.

Percent complete

A progress bar that updates the match count after each record.

Geocoding result

Displays the results of geocoding for that record (for example no
matches found, unknown address).